6 de novembro de 2012


Hoje foi dia de "andar por aí de carro"...
Entre Braga, Barcelos, Póvoa de Lanhoso, Amares, Terras de Bouro e Guimarães foram para aí 250km (entre as 10h da manhã e as 19h da noite).

A parte lol: andei por Cambeses, Corvite, Sande, Arnoso, Prazins, Riba D'Ave, Taíde... 
A parte gira: via-se putos de mochila às costas a subir o monte para ir prá escola; vi pessoal a levar a bicicleta à mão atolada
 de couves; onde quer que passasse de carro o povo olhava como se eu fosse um alien; um casal de velhotes a caminhar à face da estrada (um era a muleta do outro); desviar das vacas que estão no meio da estrada (note to self); falar com povo que vive literalmente numa azenha em cima de um açude e faz vida do que a terra dá (pétaculo!); acabar o dia junto às margens do rio Cávado (+ neblina rasante) com a imagem de um garrano a galopar nuns campos de alguém, ao fundo (WOW!!!)...

Cenas tão simples. Que nos passam, todos os dias, ao lado... Literalmente... para aí a 10 ou 15km... lol

O Portugal rural e esquecido... é fixe!!

14 de outubro de 2012

Grow up with me.

Grow Up With Me

Lets run in fields and fear the dark together
fall off swings and burn special things
and both play outside in bad weather

Lets eat badly
lets watch adults drink wine and laugh at their idiocy
lets sit in the back of the car,
making eye contact with strangers driving past
making them uncomfortable
not caring, not swearing, don’t fuck

Lets both reclaim our superpowers
the ones we all have and lose with our milk teeth
the ability not to fear social awkwardness
to panic when locked in the cellar
still sure theres something down there
and while picking from pillows each feather
lets both stay away from the edge of the bed
forcing us closer together

Lets sit in public, with ice cream all over both our faces
sticking our tongues out at passers by
lets cry
lets swim
lets everything

Lets not find it funny lest someone falls over
classical music is boring
poetry baffles us both
as nothing that’s said is what’s meant
plays are long, tiresome, sullen and filled…
with hours that could be spent rolling down hills
and grazing our knees on cement

Lets hear stories and both lose our innocence
learn about parents and forgiveness
death and morality
kindness and art
thus losing both of our innocent hearts
but at least we won’t do it apart.

Grow up with me.

1 de julho de 2012


You make me go asdfgh.

16 de junho de 2012

Feelings em 2012

A melhor voz para uma letra destas. E que grande solo...

Where were you when I was burned and broken
While the days slipped by from my window watching
Where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless
Because the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun

Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life

I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the waiting had begun
And headed straight..into the shining sun

16 de abril de 2012


Some people might have made my day.
But you... well, you've made my life.

9 de janeiro de 2012

Janeiro 2012

Vai ser "O" mês !!!
Trabalhar todos os dias tarde/noite quase sem folgas (2 empregos) e com 4 cadeiras da universidade com 6 trabalhos práticos e 2 testes...

Vai doer tanto... lol